Core Values

The Mission of Nason Hill is to provide our clients with thoughtful guidance and wealth management services to enhance their financial security and simplify their lives so they can relax and focus on what they enjoy doing most.

We do this by following these Core Values:


  • Open and honest communication is a core belief of Nason HIll. From fee structures and money manager fees to individual investments and portfolio construction, we are committed to clear and open communication. We want our clients to know what they own, why they own it, what it costs, and how it has performed. We will offer nothing that compromises our objectivity and commitment to put the client’s interest first.



  • We are committed to a high level of personalized service. By accepting a limited number of clients, we are better able to provide a high level of understanding and responsiveness.



  • We understand the importance of having a unified plan. We will partner with your other service providers, such as your CPA and estate planning attorney, to help ensure a cohesive plan is implemented and maintained.


Fee-Only Fiduciary

  • At Nason Hill we collect no commissions from the sale of investments or insurance. Your fees are based entirely on the assets we manage for you. We believe this is the best way to provide objective advice and ensure an alignment of interests with our clients.
  • As a registered investment advisor, we serve our clients as a fiduciary. This is a relationship where we are obligated to act for the benefit of our clients. Putting our client’s interests first and providing objective advice and solutions is not just something we strive for; it is our duty.


Independent & Objective

  • Nason Hill has no incentive to invest in any manner other that what is best for the client. We are not affiliated with any investment manager or broker that would create an incentive to use their product.  We independently search for and use what we believe are the best investments, often those that charge very low fees.